Birthing the New
With regards to rebirth, many events and circumstances make it possible to start college, get married, change career, or becoming a parent. Or the redefinition of self that happens after surviving trauma, bereavement, illness, or divorce. So many life stages make rebirth possible, including age-related chapters as well as puberty, menopause, and the third age.
Life itself starts with birth, ends with death, and includes many rebirths along the way; for truly nothing stays the same, and you are encouraged to celebrate the birth of each new chapter.
It may also be that the literal birth of a child is on the way. Or this rebirth may be linked to anything else that has been hoped for or nurtured and is being sent by the Universe with love to you now.
In the case of a child, it implies that a special soul may enter your family. One who is spiritually awake and of high vibration and exceptional light. They are born with lifetimes of experience and wisdom to help our world as we transition up through dimensional frequencies now.
This is a reminder of your own perfection. Each soul born in the Creator’s image is equal and cherished in the eyes of God. You were born pure and whole, and your soul retains this quality throughout all existence and all realities. Within the womb you were warm, were fed, and had everything provided for you that you needed. So, too, after birth the Divine wishes to shelter you, feed you, and offer you all that you seek.
If, however, you are tired, feel empty or unsupported, or are seeking help, you are reminded that the Universe is a loving place- the child born expects it to be so. You are reminded to make this assumption and request again. The Universe doesn’t seek to hurt or harm you, but to love and hold you. Expect the best from the Universe, and it will deliver.
Archangel Metatron reminds you that rebirth is possible in every moment, giving you a chance, once again, to return to zero point, where creation happens, and life can start again.
You have the ability to reach a stage of enlightenment in this lifetime like never before, to embrace the masculine and feminine and create a new paradigm not just for yourself but for yourself but for your children/grandchildren to inherit.
Higher consciousness is here, aided by huge waves of souls coming in that influence all living things in our planet. Evolution is happening at hurtling speed, and Archangel Metatron is here to support, steer, and birth you anew whenever you ask. Evolve… Welcome in new birth. It is time.