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Writer's pictureLola Flores

If you get Nervous, focus on Service

Put your entire intention on answering the question ‘How can I make the world a better place?’ and the Law of Attraction will automatically take care of your needs. The time has come when we are being called to do the light work, we came here to do. What has shaped us up until recently is becoming a new way to be, it requires exposure, vulnerability, and a lot of courage. We may doubt or even have a hard time grasping what is happening around us or to us. The mind starts to discredit our experience, even dares to guilt us because he seeks comfort.

These are the times when we must remind ourselves of that potential within us that has kept us alive to this moment. Your intuition will continue to guide you to the places you’re meant to experience. Remind yourself of your why, it may not seem as big, but it is still as valuable. Begin your day by opening your heart to loving everyone involved and ask the question ‘how can I be of service?’ to activate your higher self to take charge.

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